
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

God Can "Make Our Eyes Shine"

Have you ever visited a person that is going through difficult circumstances? Maybe you were expecting that it was going to be a depressing visit because you already knew how serious their situation was. But instead, you were amazed and even personally encouraged when you discovered what a positive attitude that person had in spite of the difficulties. What can make a person have such a positive attitude? Appreciation and trust in their Creator is one reason.

Ps.107:20 "He would send his word and heal them and rescue them from the pits they were trapped in." (Although in context "his word" was that they should be released from physical captivity, it is also true that through God's instruction they were extracted from the pits of spiritual darkness--like a prison hole.) So in the case of personal challenges, emotional and psychological “downers,” life-changing major events such as death of a loved one or losing employment, God “sends out his word” in that it is readily available throughout the earth and reading the Bible can fortify us to withstand anything life throws at us because we know God cares for us.

In the next two citations, note the use of the phrase "make [or making] our eyes shine." Experiencing a release from oppressive or even discouraging circumstances of any sort definitely lifts our spirits (making our eyes go from dim depression to shining with hope).

Ezra 9:8 "But now for a brief moment, favor has come from Jehovah our God letting a remnant escape and by giving us a secure position in his holy place, to make our eyes shine, O our God, and to revive us a little in our slavery."

Ps.19:8 "The orders from Jehovah are righteous, causing the heart to rejoice; The commandment of Jehovah is clean, making the eyes shine.”

The above passage from Psalm 19 can be true even DURING whatever challenge we face. Attention to God's written word can have a profound effect on our countenance (our demeanor, attitude, emotions). However, strong faith doesn't come overnight. It is something, like exercise, that we must build up beforehand--so that when we need to flex that muscle, it responds and protects us.

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